Thursday, January 11, 2007


I belong to this totally amazing group!

It has changed a little bit over the years, but right now it comprises several amazing women classmates of mine from West Point.

We started out as an online – or email, rather – book discussion group. I think we started in the mid to late 90s. When my family was stationed in Germany.

We would read one book a month and then discuss it via email. No big deal, not much different from other book groups.

I think, actually, I may have begun the group. I was really interested in being part of a book group with women I knew who really liked to read. But I was always moving. And, let’s face it: I am not the most outgoing person on the block. But I know some pretty amazing, incredible women!

I think I probably contacted several of my women friends with the idea of doing a book group via email, which was a relatively new medium at the time. Some of the women were West Point classmates, some were women friends of mine from the Army, and over the years some neighbors and other friends – and even one imaginary woman! – wandered in and out of our group.

The name of our group is the Amazons. I think, officially, it is “” A play on words. Between military women. And books. We are all women, we are all strong. We kinda liked the term… Amazons.

None of us has chopped off our right breast. Don’t fret! We are not literal, physical women warriors. But we are strong. We are invincible.

(Helen Reddy, you can start singing now….) Before I do!

At the moment our group has seven members. In recent years, we have gotten together in person. With reunions. We have met up in Florida, on several occasions. We all went to our 20th West Point reunion up at… West Point. And now we are meeting in North Carolina, where two of the Amazons are currently “headquartered.”

We will meet to talk, to laugh, to cry, to eat, to drink, to talk, to read, to walk, to talk, to eat, to drink, to laugh, to cry, to relax, to reconnect, to knit (not me!), do crosswords, play Trivial Pursuit, watch movies, etc. We will talk and talk and talk. And laugh and laugh. And cry. And laugh. We will discuss some books we have read. Or want to read. Or intend to read. Or might read someday.

We will reconnect. Reunite. Rejuvenate. Rejoice. Reminisce. Read.

We will be.



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