Friday, June 30, 2006


In case you were wondering, this blog is not going to be all about West Point. Yes, it will contain postings and thoughts on West Point, but this blog’s main purpose will be to address the gray areas in life, or at least, the gray areas in my life. I will focus on my life, as narcissistic as that may sound, because I actually know something about my life and what I have experienced. In fact, I know far more about my own life than that of anyone else on the planet. And I have all sorts of views and quandaries and gray areas about which to pontificate.

I am a believer that the human condition is universal. Amongst humans, anyway. As such, anything I might have to say may well resonate with you, whether you know me or not or have ever experienced anything similar to what I have experienced or not.

Many of my coworkers are thrilled that I am starting this blog, because they think it will mean I will be bothering them less with my thoughts and random show tune lyrics. They would, of course, be grossly mistaken.

I got the idea for “Gray” while at my 20th West Point reunion. I thought it would be oh, so clever and witty to title musings about my West Point reunion “Gray,” because everything about West Point is gray: the uniforms, the buildings, the memories; people’s hair is turning gray; shit in general is so confusing it is all just a big amorphous lump of… gray. And so on. You get the drift.

Gray, gray, gray, gray, gray.

So, caveat emptor. There is going to be a lot of gray stuff going on here.


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