Friday, February 02, 2007


The Belknaps on Whittingham - not to be confused with the Belknaps over on Dover (no relation) - were a typical Delphi family.

Now, that would be a loaded phrase, of course: “typical Delphi family.” What exactly did one mean when bandying about such language?

Well, for starters, the Belknaps were well off. Delphi families never used the word “rich.” That word was reserved for descriptions from outsiders looking in. With disdain, jealousy, or downright envy. Or so say Delphites.

The Belknaps lived in a large house. No one would call it a mansion; those were the homes up on the hill, the ones old time residents called “cottages.” (Envision these rich old timers, their tongues grossly distending their cheeks, as they nonchalantly call their palatial estates “cottages.”) Puhleez. A cottage is something the grandmother in “Little Red Riding” lives in. These behemoths on the hill are either relics of the grandiose wealth of the industrial era iron and steel barons, or else obscenely overpriced, nouveau riche McMansions. Of course, one could argue that the stately homes dating from the early twentieth century were the obscenely overpriced, nouveau riche McMansions of their time. But they tended to have been better built.

Which, apparently, makes them ripe for adding on to.

No house in Delphi is too big, it would seem. The trend these days is to buy a large home and make it even larger. Why? I have no earthly idea. But everyone seems to be doing it.

My humble opinion.

And who am I? No one to worry about. A not wealthy old timer, to be sure. But born and raised in Delphi. Never really left. Some have even called me… the Oracle of Delphi.

But that is neither accurate nor true. I think these people don’t know their Greek history and are just being cutesy.

I cannot see into the future. That’s not my talent.

My skill has more to do with perceiving the past.

And recounting it in an accurate, albeit symbolic, manner.

I hear tell there is a market for that in some corners of the planet….


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